Pastoral Care

The school's pastoral care aims to create a safe and secure environment that helps children become positive, responsible and increasingly independent members of the school community.

The focus on positive reinforcement of good behaviour is designed to promote a supportive and caring community, where everyone feels happy, safe and secure.

Pupil Leadership

Pupil Leadership at BJAB.

The School Council

School Council representatives are democratically elected by pupils from Years 1 to 9. Pupils share their ideas and opinions and are involved in the decision-making process for a range of activities with the support of the Headteacher. The main responsibilities include the planning and organising of pupil-initiated events and fund-raising for their chosen charities as they consider the needs of others in the community.

Head Pupils and Deputy Head Pupils

The Head Pupils (Senior School) and Deputy Head Pupils (Pre-Prep School) are chosen through a thorough interview process to serve as role models and leaders. They serve as ambassadors for the school, manage School Council meetings and take on additional responsibilities. Pupils selected for this special leadership role have excellent records of behaviour, attendance, punctuality, and uniform, as well as good organisational and communication skills, and a mature and thoughtful outlook.

House competitions at BJAB.

Houses and House Captains

Each House is made up of pupils from across the year groups; Montgomery, Schuman, Hepburn and Cavell are led by House Captains chosen from Years 9 and 10, and Deputy Captains from Year 4. The leader of each house is responsible for helping their team to work together on projects, assemblies, competitions, quizzes and organised events. At the end of each term the House Captains collect points for their team. Competition is intense for the award of the House Cup and Sports Cups on ‘BJAB Day,’ our end-of-year celebration.

Positive Behaviour

The British Junior Academy of Brussels places great emphasis on pastoral care and creating a supportive and caring community. Our school ethos promotes good relationships that allow everyone to work together towards the common goal of learning.

The BJAB Code reflects the school's values education, encouraging students to be gentle, kind, helpful, honest, work hard and respect others and property.

The school rewards good behaviour and promotes an ethos of kindness and cooperation. Children are praised and rewarded for good behaviour through certificates, postcards, nominations for High Flyer and Headteacher's Awards, and being sent to the Headteacher to be congratulated. Children also are able to earn points for each House through good deeds. The school also celebrates achievements during special events and provides opportunities for children to show their achievements inside and outside of school.

Headteacher Mr Francis Retter with a student.

Our Values

At BJAB, Values Education is incorporated into the teaching of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We understand that by placing a high profile on global moral values, and making it apparent in all we do, we are able to nurture each and every member of our school community.

Students in the early years classes at BJAB.

Values for the New and Upcoming School Years

Each month a new Value is introduced during a whole school assembly. The values have been selected through discussion with the School Council and are delivered on a two-year rolling programme.
